Saturday, March 21, 2009

Do You REALLY Need Your Office Desk?

We all know how it feels. We get home from a day at the office or a walk from the park after having checked the mail and we immediately throw the stack of bills and letters that need to be replied to on our desk. We tell ourselves we'll get to it in a few minutes, but then we play with the kids or the dog and suddenly we're eating dinner. Next thing you know you're going to bed and waking up way before you wanted to. What happens to the stack of envelopes on your desk? They accumulate and before you know it your desk has turned into mine, a heap of papers that has been somewhat sorted ("to do", "urgent to do", and "I need to file this to get it off my desk already!!!").

Some of you probably have better organization and self-discipline than I do. To those of you who don't deal with this problem I applaud you, give you many kudos, and am officially envious of you. For those of you who feel there are more important things in your life than having every piece of paper in just the right place, well I tell you there is a better solution. Perhaps the problem with having a big desk is not that we don't discipline ourselves to clean up all our papers, but rather it is similar to most people's budgets. The more you have, the more you spend. If you find this tends to be a familiar trend in your life then you may find the easiest solution is not to force habits upon yourself that will require life-altering resolutions, but rather simply get rid of the amount of space you can fill. With that in mind I present to you "One Less Desk" by Heckler Design.
When the One Less Desk is in its nested position it is only 12" from front to back. Talk about a space saver. The ingenious layout of nesting your utility area underneath the permanent station provides countless options and allows for a flexible workspace without encroaching on your permanent space.

The nested portion of the desk easily slides out from underneath the desk allowing you quick and instant access to your keyboard, mouse, drawing tablet, or writing area. If you have a wireless mouse and keyboard you are setup for one of the most beautiful office space presentations possible; however, even if your mouse and keyboard are wired there are built-in wire holders to keep them exactly where you want them, hidden.

Speaking of hiding, the One Less Desk also features a hidden, fully-ventilated shelf in the back where you can organize those pesky USB cables and store your external hard-drives.

Another great thing about the One Less Desk is that it comes in a variety of colors (currently there are five, but you can always ask about future plans).

All-in-all One Less Desk provides a very well-thought workspace for a multiplicity of purposes. It enables one to take control of their office by limiting the space in which you operate, but still meets all of your functional needs. There are a lot more features to One Less Desk than what is listed here so I highly encourage you to go check out their site for more details at:

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